Invitation til deltagelse i internationalt survey om Music Imagery, Guided Imagery and Music, Bonny GIM — Norsk forening for musikkterapi

Norsk Forening For Musikkterapi ble stiftet i 1972 og har som hovedmål å fremme forståelsen for musikkterapi og etableringen av musikkterapeutisk praksis i Norge.

Invitation til deltagelse i internationalt survey om Music Imagery, Guided Imagery and Music, Bonny GIM

Invitation til deltagelse i internationalt survey om Music Imagery, Guided Imagery and Music, Bonny GIM

Dear member of Norsk Forening for Musikkterapi

I am conducting an online survey on Music Imagery, Guided Imagery and Music, and Bonny Method GIM. I have previously also sent this mail via AMI, EAMI, and MIAA to their members.

If you have already completed the survey or do not wish to do so, please ignore this mail and forgive me for the inconveinience. Please note that you are only to fill in the survey once!

This is an invitation to participate in an international online survey on technology and clinical practice in Music Imagery (MI), Guided Imagery and Music (GIM), and The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) therapy.

The purpose of the survey is to determine how technology is being used in MI, GIM, and BMGIM practice throughout the world. The answers will inform a chapter on Technology in GIM for the 2nd edition of Guided Imagery and Music: The Bonny Method and Beyond (Barcelona Publishers).

Besides that, the survey also aims at illuminating aspects of clinical practice.

These data will be used an in additional publications.

The survey is anonymou and addressed to all:
a) Primary Trainers (Bonny Method)
b) ellows and Registered GIM Therapists (Bonny Method)
c) Who have completed ALL requirements from a Bonny Method Training program (or what may be referred to as Level III) and have NOT become a Fellow or Registered GIM Therapist
d) Trainees in Level III or Professional Bonny Method Training equivalent to Level III (Bonny Method)
e) Who have completed Bonny Method Level II (inclusive ALL requirements before and after the Level II training module) or equivalent level of training (e.g. Korta Musikresor/Short Music Journey by Margareta Wärja)

The survey can be found by using this link and has a completion time of about 20–25 minutes (depending on how many written comments you make):  

Please note: That the survey will be closed Sunday May 13 (2018) at 15:00 hour Danish time.

Again please note: That you are only to fill in the survey once although you may also have received an identical request/invitation to participate in the survey via The Association for Music and imagery (AMI), European Association of Music and Imagery (EAMI), Music and Imagery Association of Australia (MIAA).

I hope you will participate in the survey and thereby contribute to the gathering of new and important information relevant for the entire GIM community.

Thank you in advance
Best wishes Ilan Sanfi
Music therapist, PhD, BMGIM music therapist (EAMI), composer
Child and Adolescent Health
Aarhus University Hospital
Denmark (Europe)

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